All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Sunday, April 18, 2010


After narrowly avoiding a potentially catastrophic brain injury and a dubiously restful nap, Erica enjoyed one of her favorite pastimes with Elijah, the little boy next door. His parents were nice enough to let Erica play with their bubbles stuff and she also used a wand that PaPaw got her the last time they were here.

Erica doesn't quite get that you blow on the wand to make it blow bubbles. She tends to put her mouth on it. She also enjoyed spraying herself with the spray bottle. She was so soapy and wet afterwards, she needed a bath. Yes, we all understood the irony of that.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

We Have a Toddler and She Has Opinions #1

This is the first of a series of posts entitled: We have a toddler and she has opinions. In this series, we will share with you some of Erica's opinions about life, sports, family, friends, and anything else that comes to her mind. This is mainly for your edification as if you come in contact with her, you will need to know these things.

Erica likes to be in the middle of everything. If you are involved in something, then you need to make room for her. This includes
cooking- one of the things she really enjoys looking in the oven
reading the newspaper
shelling beans

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Pictures of that other baby

Obviously, right now most of the pictures are going to be of Erica for several reasons. For one, she's more photogenic at this time. Also, she is much more accessible. It's a little messy to get pictures of Baby Girl #2. But here is what we have so far. This ultrasound was done March 31st.
Actually, I can't tell the difference between these ultrasound pictures and Erica's ultrasound pictures at the same time. How do we know they don't just give all parents the same pictures and say, "Here is a picture of your baby! You can't tell the difference between this one and another one, but trust us, that's your kid." We'll have another picture one that looks just like this in a couple of weeks.

Off On

First Post

Ok, this is at least our fourth try at a blog and we are going to try and stay up with it. We will see.
Here is our update. Erica is 19 months old, talking and walking all over the place. Jeanette is 6 months pregnant with baby girl #2(whom we will call Tob- short for That Other Baby), due on July 8. As you can imagine, this blog will focus on the adventures of Erica and Tob. In the comments you are encouraged to write about how cute and funny the girls are.
Just as a hint of what is to come, here is some pictures of Erica being cute.