All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Friday, March 30, 2012

Playing at Aunt Nette's

We live in a town home, which is nice when I don't have to mow the lawn, but not nice when we want to play outside.  We don't have a yard to play in and the house sits right up against the road so cars are going by all the time.  We have playgrounds nearby and fortunately, Nanette has a good driveway for riding bicycles and other activities.

So yesterday, after good naps from both girls (shocker), we went to Aunt Nette's to ride bikes, play with the ball, jump rope, and sidewalk chalk.
Mary Lane still isn't quite big enough for the tricycle, but she looks good on it.

Mary Lane seems to prefer climbing the slide and then, instead of sliding down the slide, she slides down the side she came up on, i.e. the bumpy side.

Erica wrote her name on the sidewalk and then smiled perfectly for Nanette.  A truly once in a blue moon occurrence (the smiling, that is).

Erica is getting much better at riding.

Not pictures, but none the less, funny- Mary Lane barked at the dogs who live next door.  I assume she did that because they were barking at her.  She is pretty frightening.