All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Erica's Quotes #2 (ish)

I'm hoping this becomes a regular segment so I'm going to start numbering them.

Erica was playing with some small connecting toys and she counted them out.  "18," she said.  Then she asked, "When will I turn 18?"  I replied, "In 15 years."  She thought for a minute and said, "Wow, that's old!"

I guess it's ok to consider 6 times your current age to be old.  I mean if someone were to live to be 228 years old, I'd consider them old as well.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Erica's Quote of the Day

If things go well and I remember, we'll be starting a running list of the hilarious things Erica says.  When Mary Lane starts talking in full sentences, I'll add her's as well.

On Wednesday, I was driving Erica to school and there was a lot of traffic.  She's fascinated by my work ID and asked to hold it.  While she was holding it, she said, "Mommy has an ID, too." Then she said, "You're going to get me an ID when I get older- when I turn 16 you're going to get me ID."  I thought, "Don't remind me."

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Erica's Questions of Right Now

"Mommy, What's a question?"

There is a whale tail-shaped page in "The Grouchy Ladybug" by Eric Carle. "Who cut this page? Did you cut this Mommy? I think they cut it."

I bought a bag of individual Craisins packets. "Who put them in these bags? I think they sewed up the bag. Did you do this Mommy?"

The questions are adorable and nonstop!