All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Poop and Seek

Erica doesn't get the concept of "Hide and Seek," but will play her own version of it endlessly. This has provided an amazing opportunity to get her to do things she is defiant about... "Poop and Seek," anyone? (Now Russell will take over this blog post, because I am too embarrassed to publicly explain this).

One of the problems we've had with Erica recently is her unwillingness to sit on the potty. Before nap time, bed time, or leaving the house, her instructions are to sit on the potty. She is generally unwilling to do that and will lay on the floor saying and then crying, "I don't need to go potty." Tonight, Jeanette had a genius idea- Poop and Seek. Basically, Erica sits on the potty while Jeanette or I "look" for her. Tonight, Jeanette was with Mary Lane upstairs so Poop and Seek fell to me.

So I hid next to the bathroom and counted to ten and I looked all over for her- under the table, behind the bathroom door, in the toilet, under the sink, in the green bucket that holds the Erica's hair clips, etc. Then eventually I would find her and it would start over. I taught her the concept of "peeking." At first, she said, "No peeking!!!!" over and over. Then, she learned to only say it when I was actually peeking.

We played several games and, guess what? She pooped!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Erica's Big Sisters

Erica has entered a cute developmental stage of having imaginary friends. She calls them her big sisters. The first big sister she mentioned was Rachel. One of our good friends is named Rachel, so I asked if it was this woman. She said, "No, it is a different Rachel." Rachel does a lot of things that Erica is interested in, like going to preschool.

Rachel has now been joined by Elizabeth (again, not our adult friend with the same name), Anna, and Anna's baby sister Kate. In real life, Anna and Kate are Rachel's daughters, but in Erica's imagination, they are different girls.

Sometimes Rachel and Elizabeth are ages six and five. Sometimes they go to college and sometimes they go to high school.

Rachel and Elizabeth sometimes have a different father and mother than us.

I especially think it is funny when Erica mentions another big sister she has, named "Jeanette too!"

CUTE ! ! ! !