All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Totally Great Birthday Morning

Having these two beautiful pink and purple two- and four-year-olds in my life makes birthdays extra extra fun!  I knew I could accurately anticipate happy little birthday celebrators all day long!  So far, so good!  2:00 and Erica is upstairs to rest and I have so much to reflect on and remember already on this birthday #43.  (By the way, who's counting anyway?)

  • Woke up before everyone when I started hearing my silenced phone "buzz" at the first Facebook "Happy Birthday" messages of the day.
  • Enjoyed a few minutes on the computer by myself before anyone woke up.
  • Got my first birthday wish granted when the girls came down wishing me a "Happy Birthday" with their happy apple faces and got a picture for my FB profile picture!
  • Hate to say it, but birthdays are also extra enjoyable now that Facebook notifies all of my friends to remember me!  HOW FUN!!!!!!
  • Breakfast started out a little rocky with someone's tantrum or emotional problem.  All is forgotten already though!  It just happens!  I had planned on letting the girls help me "COOK" as part of our "C" week in homeschool preschool, but I skipped that.  No Problem!
  • Banana/Egg pancake recipe made and shared with visiting LONG-TIME friend, Amy Huffman. She brought pink crepe paper decorations for the girls to help her tape up all over the house.  They loved it and I am enjoying having pink everywhere:)
  • We finally got dressed and out of the house at almost 10:00.  That's pretty late for us 6:00 AM risers.
  • Worked on Erica's Encore "homework" by stopping at Tusculum Hills Baptist Church where Mom had told me we could find lots of international flags to take pictures of.
  • Stopped in the Aquatic Critter Zoo to see the snakes and fish.  After looking around for a few minutes, we noticed a worker watering the snakes in each of their drawers.  He said we could get as close as we wanted, that the snakes would bite him before they got to us!  Yikes!  I was a little worried that he would even mention the possibility of ANYONE getting a snake bite, but Erica was very brave and hung out right in front of the drawers to watch.  When he opened one drawer, he reached in and pulled out a full length shed snake skin.  It was easily four feet long.  He casually said, "Anyone want a snake skin?"  He told us how to save it and we put it with our stuff to take home.  Erica was so excited about it, and after lunch she wanted to call her PawPaw to tell him all about it.
  • Had a pleasant trip to Kroger for a few needed items.  This is not always the scenario when I take both girls shopping.  Today they helped me find the items on my list, got a cookie (Letter C week is not the only week we get a cookie though!), found CABBAGE and CORN for "C" week, and got stickers!
  • Add to all this that today is Mary Lane's second day in her Dora panties.  She is allowed to wear these horrendous garments only on days after she stays dry and cooperates with potty efforts.  Way to go Mary Lane!  Potty at Aquatic Critter Zoo and stay dry the rest of the outing!
  • Came home to cook pizza and CRESCENT rolls with CHOCOLATE CHIPS for "C" week.  FUN!
  • Painted caterpillars made out of egg cartons.  Super cute.  I should be posting pictures but I want to type all this before I forget the wonderfulness and I don't want to stop and figure out how to post pictures.
  • Put Mary Lane to bed.  Good job today like most days lately, Miss Two.  You are so tired by nap time and that helps me!!!!
  • Erica read and chatted and wrote letters in her journal while I did dishes, cleaned up from painting, and started to catch up my FB message reading some more.
  • Now Erica is upstairs for her 2:00 to 3:00 "rest time."  Good job today, even though many days we don't have a smooth transition to this requirement.  Maybe my request for a good birthday rest for Mommy might have helped.
OK That's it for September 6, 2012 first part of the day!!!!!