All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Friday, January 21, 2011

Two Fun Stories from the Week of Too Much Poop

Mary Lane has had very loose poop and a terrible diaper rash caused by antibiotic for ear infection which cleared up. After several days of fun, I've been doing various things to make life easier in checking and changing diapers. Last night I put her in PJ pants and shirt rather than footie PJs, even though it is really cold, because I thought if she got up in the night it would be easier to check for poop. This required wearing socks which of course she would kick off, but I was willing to risk it for easier poop checks. I also left her onesie unsnapped and untucked for the same reason.

She slept through the night for the first time in over a week, and when the girls got up I was helping Erica in the bathroom and Russell called from the other room, "Did Mary Lane get up in the night?" I answered that she didn't.

"Well her onesie is unsnapped and she's only wearing one sock"

Don't ask me why, but that made me start having the giggles for about ten minutes. She certainly kicked her own sock off but she didn't unsnap and untuck her onesie in the middle of the night! Russell heard me laughing and asked why. I told him I was laughing at him and he kept joking that she looked like she was "so casual," just laying there untucked and with one sock on as if to say, "Yeah, I'm just casual. No need to tuck in. I'm just wearing one sock. No big deal."

OK, so 6:00 AM most anything might make me laugh, but that was just funny this morning.

Another rash related activity has been letting Mary Lane have some time out of her diaper a little while every day to let the rash dry out. Early yesterday afternoon I did it while Erica was napping, not sure how she would react to it. The next time I left Mary Lane's diaper off, I explained to Erica that Mary Lane needed naked time and Erica could help me by telling me if her sister rolled off the towel so I could come make sure she hadn't gone on the carpet. Erica willingly monitored her sister.

So of course you knew this was coming. Last night Erica said she wanted Naked Time too. I allowed her to join in and all she did was giggle and say, "This is fun!"

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Very short funny thing that Erica does

This blog will occasionally have posts with one paragraph explaining one cute thing that Erica or Mary Lane does that I don't want to forget. Here is tonight's:

When singing "London Bridge," Erica sometimes sings the line, "Oh, my lady," instead of "My fair lady." It is very cute because she is so earnest about singing when she just comes up with a song on her own and it seems like she is trying to fit the words in the right number of syllables even though she doesn't remember the words exactly as they are written.