All about our family, especially the antics of our little girls

Friday, December 31, 2010

Reading with the girls

I love reading with Erica and Mary Lane. Erica has started wanting to share books with Mary Lane, and she will sometimes surround her completely with more than 20 books. This Christmas Eve I cuddled up on the couch and Russell took a picture. It is so much fun to see what we looked like, because I know it was a real joy for me to sit with my arms around each of them and read.

When I was pregnant with Erica, Russell and I decided to read to her in the womb. We bought a copy of The Jesus Storybook Bible and read one story each night. Near the end of my pregnancy with Mary Lane, we realized that Russell should probably put Erica to bed regularly since that is what he would have to do once the baby came. So now for over six months Russell has been reading and tucking Erica in every night. I can hear them reading and singing, and tonight I heard their conversation about finishing the Bible. Erica had a lot of questions about what she and Daddy would read together after finishing all the stories in this Bible. It was just really cute.

I started reading Jane Eyre in preparation for a book club I am attending. Erica was very curious about the book, asking if it was my Bible and saying it was very pretty. I think it will be a lot of fun to continue reading with the girls even when they get to higher reading levels like novels and classics.

For now, I love reading with the girls because it is usually a calm, snuggly time with the girls within safe reach and allowing me to S-I-T!

1 comment:

  1. I love this picture! Both girls are so attentively listening to their mommy read to them! So sweet!
